------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2021) Nashville, Tennessee, USA, May 18-21, 2021 http://2021.rtas.org/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL FOR PAPERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RTAS is a top-tier conference with a focus on systems research related to embedded systems and time-sensitive systems. RTAS'21 invites papers describing original systems, applications, case studies, methodologies, and algorithms that contribute to the state of practice in design, implementation, verification, and validation of embedded systems or time-sensitive systems. RTAS'21 consists of two tracks: Track 1. Systems, Architecture and Applications Track 2. Applied Methodologies and Foundations The broad scope of RTAS'21 ranges from traditional hard real-time systems to embedded systems without explicit timing requirements. RTAS'21 welcomes both papers backed by formal proofs as well as papers that focus exclusively on empirical validation of timing requirements. More details can be found at http://2021.rtas.org/call-for-papers/. --------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission deadline: Oct 26, 2020 (FIRM) Rebuttal period: Jan 2-5, 2021 Notification of acceptance: Jan 17, 2021 Submission of camera-ready papers: March 31, 2021 Conference: May 18-21, 2021 (All times are UTC-12) --------------------------------------------------------- PAPER SUBMISSIONS Submitted papers must describe original work not previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere. All submitted papers must comply with the double-blind submission requirements. The main body of each submitted paper is limited to 11 pages of technical content with additional pages permitted for the bibliography and acknowledgments only. Submissions must be formatted according to IEEE conference paper guidelines. The submission website is https://rtas2021.hotcrp.com/. More details can be found at http://2021.rtas.org/submissions/. Follow RTAS2021 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTAS2021 --------------------------------------------------------- AWARDS A selection of papers will receive recognition as outstanding papers, and will be highlighted as such in the proceedings. Best paper and best student paper awards will be presented at the conference, along with an award for the best presentation. --------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZERS General Chair Gernot Heiser, UNSW Sydney and Data61, CSIRO PC Chair and Track 1 Chair Nan Guan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Track 2 Chair Claire Pagetti, ONERA Brief Presentation Chair Wanli Chang, York University Artifact Evaluation Chair Hyoseung Kim, University of California, Riverside Publication Chair (of CPS-IoT Week) Geoffrey Nelissen, Eindhoven University of Technology Publicity Chair Renato Mancuso, Boston University Web Chair Tianyu Zhang, Northeastern University, China