RTAS 2021 will be hold virtually during May 18-21, 2021. Please check the conference program.
May 21
RTAS 2021 Awards
Congratulations! The following awards of RTAS’21 were presented:
Best Paper Award:
- No Crash, No Exploit: Automated Verification of Embedded Kernels
Olivier Nicole, Matthieu Lemerre, Sébastien Bardin, Xavier Rival
Best Student Paper Award
- Constrained Data-Age with Job-Level Dependencies: How to Reconcile Tight Bounds and Overheads
Tobias Klaus, Matthias Becker, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Peter Ulbrich
May 21
RTAS 2021 is Live Now!
Video record of the opening remarks by Nan Guan, the Program Chair.
May 21
Outstanding Paper Awards Announced
The winners of the RTAS 2021 Outstanding Paper Awards are:
- Budget RNNs: Multi-Capacity Neural Networks to Improve In-Sensor Inference under Energy Budgets
- OpenUVR: an Open-Source System Framework for Untethered Virtual Reality Applications
- Constrained Data-Age with Job-Level Dependencies: How to Reconcile Tight Bounds and Overheads
- No Crash, No Exploit: Automated Verification of Embedded Kernels
Congratulations to all authors for their fantastic work!
These excellent papers will be presented in the corresponding sessions at RTAS 2021. Don’t miss these outstanding papers! See the conference program for further details on presentation times.
May 21
Teaser Videos are Available
Check the cool teaser videos of RTAS 2021 papers!
For each paper published at RTAS 2021, a 3-minutes teaser video is available to public, which helps everybody (either registered for the conference or not) to quickly know the best part of the work. Please visit the conference program page, check the teaser videos, and of course, to attend the paper sessions and enjoy the full program of RTAS 2021 during May 19-21.
Mar 21
The Registration Site is Open
The registration site is now open.
RTAS’21, the 27th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium will be held online, as part of the CPS-IoT Week 2021 from the 18th to the 21st of May, 2021.
RTAS’21 has two main tracks:
- Track 1: Systems, Architecture and Applications;
- Track 2: Applied Methodologies and Foundations.
as well as opportunities for brief presentations and demonstrations of work in progress.
RTAS is a top-tier conference with a focus on systems research related to embedded systems and time-sensitive systems (of any size).
The scope of RTAS ranges from traditional hard real-time systems to embedded systems without explicit timing requirements, including latency-sensitive systems with informal or soft real-time requirements.
RTAS is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems.